About Me

I hate doing these.  I’m the kind of person who prefers to let the work speak for itself.  I mean, what do you really need to know about me?  It’s about the writing, and that has to be strong enough to speak for itself.

Well, I guess a few facts here won’t hurt.

I live in Vancouver, BC, Canada, though I was born and raised in Toronto.  Sometimes I go back to visit family and friends, but I love it too much in Vancouver to ever move back.  It’s just me and my cat Zedd sharing an apartment and he makes sure I know how lucky I am that he lets me live with him and pay all his bills.

I have a degree in English Literature, though I didn’t get it because I wanted to be a writer.  I’m a firm believer that a degree will not make you a writer (especially a good writer) if you don’t have the potential already.  Only time and practice will do that.  I’ve now published my first complete trilogy, The Mirrors of Bershan. Onward, as they say.

I post when I feel like it or have something to say. Lately it’s been infrequent and I’m sorry about that. Life knocked me on my ass and I’m getting back on my feet again. I try to respond to all of the comments I get unless I have absolutely nothing more to add, because I appreciate it when people take the time to share with me what they’re thinking.

I can’t think of anything else, but if I do, I’ll throw it in here.

If you want to drop me a line, I can be contacted at jlizhill(at)gmail(dot)com.

Amazon Author Page

Goodreads Author Page

Also, if you’d like an autograph for your ebook, you can go here to request one through Authorgraph. 🙂


Last Updated: July 3, 2014

33 Responses to About Me

  1. You’re a crazy cat lady like me – yay! I have 2 black cats : )

    • Julie says:

      Cats are simpler than people. Mine just want food and perpetual pats (I think one might actually be a dog trapped in a cat’s body). One of these days, I’ll post a picture of them. They’re from the same litter, but you wouldn’t know it to look at them. Zedd looks like a small maine coone and Jay is standard white and grey short-furred. Proof their mom was a floosy, I guess.

  2. 4amWriter says:

    Hi Julie,

    It’s about time I actually subscribed to your blog instead of randomly following you!! I love your About page, and I want to cheer you on when you talk about what makes a writer–not a degree, but time and practice. Ironically, I’m composing a post on this very topic because I feel so strongly about it.

    Anyway, I really enjoy your stuff, and all the effort you put into your comments on my blog and at Limebird. Good luck with all of your writing/creative endeavors!

    • Julie says:

      *blushes furiously* I think my face just caught on fire 🙂

      Thanks! I also feel strongly about the degree having nothing to do with making you a writer. One of my favourite writers has a degree in Computer Science and another in Mathematics. And yet she writes wonderfully, largely because she has put in the time and effort (14 published novels and counting, plus 8-9 years of writing purely for herself, as she put it). I cringe whenever I see someone in a writer’s forum asking which degree they should get to further their ambitions to be an author, and I’ve seen that way too many times. I’m now very much looking forward to your post on the subject though. I suspect I shall be commenting 🙂

      As for effort into comments, I think it’s just habit as a writer to compose, edit and think carefully about what I write in any arena. I don’t think I could manage any other way these days. It’s probably part of why I’m more of a forum lurker than poster.

  3. Posky says:

    You did a pretty good job for someone who doesn’t normally like doing the about section of a website. You do seem to have forgotten to put on a shirt in your profile photo though. I can let that slide I suppose.

  4. Well, I thought you did a great job considering you don’t like these things; it took me forever to write my ‘about me’ – I can’t help feeling it always sounds pretentious! Yours is far, far better than mine.

    As a child, I dreamed about living in Vancouver. I have an image of it being an amazing place. Sadly, immigration laws on disability means I can’t live there now, which is a huge disappointment. Please tell me it’s an absolutely horrible place so I don’t feel so disappointed 😉

    I’ve nominated you for an award: http://halfwaybetweenthegutter.wordpress.com/2012/06/15/one-lovely-blog-award-and-some-big-confessions/. Your writing is amazing, and I have much respect for the work you put in. I find it impossible to write unless it’s something personal.

    • Julie says:

      Wow, thanks! I’m speechless, which I’ll have to take care of, since every award deserves a speech. 🙂

      I can’t tell you Vancouver is horrible, because I love it here. What I will say is that it isn’t for everyone. I’ve met people who can’t stand this city, and others who are as eager to leave it as I was to leave Toronto, the city I was born and raised in. I suppose every city is like that though. For me it’s home, and I’ve known it was since the first day of my first visit.

      I totally understand what you mean about feeling pretentious writing the About Me. I’m much more comfortable talking about my writing than I am talking about myself for the same reason.

      • It is uncomfortable talking about myself. Every time I hit publish, I worry whether I seem horribly self-absorbed.

        Anything has to be better than where I live! It’s a small seaside town with naff joke shops and ice-cream stalls. The main street is covered in chewing gum and surrounded by closed shops. It’s hardly a paradise. I’ve always loved cities, there’s something about all the different people which really fascinates me. Everyone knows each other here, and I much prefer the anonimity of cities!

  5. I’m so glad you appreciate people sharing their thoughts with you, because I think it’s SO FRICKIN AWESOME THAT JULIE IS FOLLOWING MY BLOG PAGE, OH YEAH! BAHAHA, sorry I get a little excited sometimes.

    Hey, I hear you don’t like creating “about me” pages. Well, I’m glad you did it anyway Julie. I’ve been inspired many times by reading about authors. I started reading some of Nora Roberts’ books because she never had a degree, but yet, she became a famous writer. Again, I appreciate the fact that you wrote a bit about yourself, that’s all we want anyway.

    I will always remember you as the person who said, ” I’m a firm believer that a degree will not make you a writer (especially a good writer) if you don’t have the potential already.” That line spoke volumes to me. Well Julie, this is my way of saying, “Hello and Thanks.” It looks like I have a lot of reading to do. You have several manuscripts that I need to rummage through, Bahahaha.

    • Julie says:

      Thanks for the comment! Rummage away. As for me following you, I popped in to your blog after seeing a comment on another blog I follow. I liked what I saw 🙂

  6. Pete Denton says:

    Hi, Julie. I was wondering whether you would like to guest post on my blog. No pressure to agree and I do have a topic in mind.

    If you’re interested let me know and I’ll email you the details.

    • Julie says:

      Wow. I’m… I’m flattered. And shocked. And flattered. Oh wait, I already said that.

      I’m certainly interested in hearing more. Email away. The address is in my gravatar.

  7. chasynleigh says:

    I have 3 cats and i really wish they would quit laying around and get jobs because their vet bills are pricey. Plus i’m jealous they get to stay in bed while i have to work all day. If they worked i could stay home and write.

    • Julie says:

      Lol, I tell mine who lucky they are to have a pliant slave like me. They always give me that look that says “Actually, you’re lucky to have us”

  8. Chris says:

    Hi, Julie,

    I’ve nominated you for Blog of the year 2012! 🙂 http://writetoperfect.wordpress.com/2012/12/18/blog-of-the-year-2012/

  9. Chris says:

    Just wanted to let you know that “Bound” is currently on its way to me!

  10. sarahcradit says:

    Hey Julie! I’ve tagged you in The Next Big Thing Blog Hop, which is basically a program created for writers to talk about their most recent projects. If you’re interested in participating, the details are on my blog 🙂

  11. cyril says:

    Hello Elizabeth Hill.great blog keep writing and enjoy
    Thanks Cyril

  12. R. K. MacPherson says:

    Hey there. I just nominated you for the Liebster Award. It’s a blog thing. You can find the nomination at: http://albuscorvus.wordpress.com/2014/05/08/liebster-award/ Your words are worth reading.

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